Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Catchment Area

Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Catchment Area

The Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Catchment is a small catchment north of Kimbolton surrounding Rangiwahia.

It has a strong farming community with many community/family events held at the Rangiwahia Hall. The area is well known for its scenic reserves and access to the Iron Gate Gorge with tramping tracks and Rangiwahia Hut up in the Ruahine Ranges.

Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Catchment Group Vision:

The Rangiwahia Catchment have a vision to further diversify while keeping resilient sustainable farming practices to encourage community growth in the area.

The catchment wants to stay ahead of the regulations through identifying any issues and fixing them.

Photos courtesy of Mary Bielski.

Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Catchment Map
Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Catchment Hills
Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Catchment Farmland
Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Catchment Snow Fall
Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Catchment Scenery


Wetlands Diversity Workshop

This workshop will help you to identify sites to establish natural wetlands on your farm.

Why create a wetland? How to design a wetland to increase water quality and increase natural diversity of native plants, insects and aquatic life in your wetland.

This workshop will be advertised to attend very soon.

Upper Oroua-Kiwitea Wetlands Diversity Workshop
manawatu river catchments collective image