Upper Tiraumea Catchment Area

Ihuraua-Upper Tiraumea Catchment Area

The Ihuraua-Upper Tiraumea catchment group was formed from a common interest to be robust guardians of the land that forms our community.

Ihuraua-Upper Tiraumea Catchment Group Vision:

Our aim as passionate people who love our land, environment, and community is to achieve personal and community wellbeing, encouraging all to be involved in the journey of improving and protecting our environment.

Monitoring water quality underpins our understanding of the catchment and continues in the main streams with additional tile drain samples recorded to give an overall analysis of the catchment freshwater health.

Alongside stream health, learning and dealing with vertebrate pest control and weed eradication allows us to focus on farmer led work to remain profitably farming while ensuring waterways are as clear as practically possible and biodiversity can thrive.

Our commitment is working to leave the land in a better state for future generations.

Upper Tiraumea Catchment Map
Upper Tiraumea Community Group
Upper Tiraumea Community Meeting
Upper Tiraumea Pest Control
Upper Tiraumea Farmland

On-going projects

It’s the long game for Ihuraua-Upper Tiraumea, as they showcase their catchments 3-year project.

James McKay, from Ihuraua-Upper Tiraumea Catchment, takes us on a journey of the 4Ha Wetland planting project that Alfredton School, Tararua College and the community have been working together on. Planting about 4,000 natives into the area, providing a great ecology for wildlife and a natural filter for the waterways.

Funding by: MRCC, Manawatu River Accord, QEII National Trust and Horizons.

manawatu river catchments collective image